Last weekend I worked on the double driveway gates. I had someone weld up 2 frames out of angle iron for the gates. They are 10' by 5' each.

I painted them and the hinges with Rustoleum gloss black paint.

Then I attached one dog-ear picket to the edge of the frame so I could attach the hinges.

Then I was able to prop the gate up against the post, I used a piece of 2x6 clamped to the edge of the gate to hold up the other side.

I used 6" hex head bolts to attach the hinges to the post.

With the gate hung I attached the dog-ears to the frame. to do this I had to first pre-drill each hole in the angle iron then screw the dog-ear in with deck screws.

Once I install the automatic gate openers I will finish off the little things that need to be done.
I've also completed most of the fence line.

I found this rat snake the other day while working on the fence, it looks like a rat or a squirrel bit him in a few places. We cleaned him up a bit then took him a few miles down the road to a creek with a lot of woods around it.
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