Tuesday, August 31, 2010


We've been working on a vegetable garden in our back yard. We're going to plant late season crops like broccoli, Collard and Mustard Greens, lettuce, and a few other things. We bought most of them as plants, the rest I started from seed a few weeks back.

I tilled up a small area in the back yard next to the barn that's about 35'x20'.

Then I put up a chicken wire fence.

This is our two Danes checking out my work.

Once I rake it out and hoe the rows I will plant everything.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I never comment but I love reading your blog! You get so much done. You make my husband and I look lazy. Your home is going to be amazing. Your Danes are cute. We have a Golden Retriever/Saint Bernard mix. We live in the city and have a big yard for the city, but she's definitely drooling over your yard. Good call with the chicken wire. My mom lives in the country and spends the majority of her gardening time hosing plants down with "deer off."